Head Cold? Ski Like a Bad Ass Anyway!

Rest for a head cold? Sometimes the slopes just won't wait for a cold.

As Jon Muir says, "the mountains are calling and I must go." I checked my weather app and a big storm was coming in, and at the moment I feel great. Working extra-long days without rest to produce an abundance of adventure travel energy is routine for me.

I begin packing up the four wheel in a flurry with provisions and my Shepard. The final destination is the sexy beast of a mountain called Mammoth. Pulling in late, we catch a few zzz's and awake to a beautiful blanket of white, fluffy, sugary snow.  Despite my positive, immune building habits of exercise and nutrition, even I pick up a cold at least once a year from a patient. Sure enough, 6am that morning,  I had debilitating sore throat.

Cancelling The Trip? Not an Option. A Quick Cold Remedy.

Missing out on first tracks this morning? Not an option. Luckily, this remedy is simple and fast acting.  One of the herbal formulas I always carry in my travel pack is an ancient Chinese remedy called Yin Qiao San (YQS).  YQS is an ancient Chinese Formula used for the first stages of a common cold starting with a sore throat.

The Recipe & Therapy

I empty 4 capsules of YQS powder to hot water, sipping hot as possible while running a hot bath.  I follow that with one or more cups of ginger tea while performing acupuncture on points: Large Intestine 4, San Jiao 5, Lung 7 and Large Intestine 11.  Next, I submerge myself into the hottest bath I can stand for 20 minutes. In the bath I meditate on positive affirmations and sip on more ginger tea, followed by 32 ounces' mountain water.  Sweating porously, I force the pathogen out of my body. 

While suiting up for the mountain, I brew up a few cups of my make shift super food "bulletproof coffee" with extra MCT (Medium Chain Triglyceride) oil, collagen, maca, cocoa, and mucuna.

The Results

I forgot all about my sore throat and had energy all day, only stopping for a quick matcha green tea and my homemade superfood protein balls in the lodge. With my matcha tea I down another dosage of herbs.

Continuing to take 4 caps, 4 times, until the cold resides completely. A few of my other favorites for a common cold are garlic, oregano oil,  Lauracidin beta-glucan and good old fashioned apple cider vinegar.  The cold will either stay at a manageable level or disappear completely.  I have saved myself from being knocked down by the typical cold bacterial infection dozens of times through this. I strongly recommend keeping the Yin Qiao San formula with you at all times, especially when travelling. 

Performing damn near close to usual, I had one of the best days ever on the slopes. Exhausted with a big smile conquering not only the first storm of the year but also the nasty sore throat. Thanks again to the latest researched bio hacks and the ancient remedies combined with the wisdom of Chinese medicine.  Give it a try!


Essential Oils by Indication


Bone Broth