Blog Posts
Read more about Dr Dixie’s work and thoughts.
The Health Benefits of Sunshine
Many of us associate sunshine with a good time. Whether it be the days out of the beach, sitting out on a chair reading or just being active- sunshine is something most humans look forward too.
Magnesium Chloride Bath Recipe
This bath is also great for skin irritation and purifying tissues as well as well as boosting levels of magnesium in the body.
Detox Drink
This drink helps to rid the body of toxins and restore the body to a balanced state.
Earthing: How and Why
Earthing is a primitive practice that has gained steam in current times for its simplicity and healing powers. In essence, earthing means living in contact with the Earth’s natural surface…
Head Cold? Ski Like a Bad Ass Anyway!
Rest for a head cold? Sometimes the slopes just won't wait for a cold.
Benefits of High Intensity Exercise
Exercise Smarter rather than harder. Here is some of the research and workouts that can be serious game changers for your body.
The Candida Cleanse
Symptoms such as fatigue, headache, several different gut issues, bloating, memory loss, depression, anxiety, dizziness, sugar cravings and lack of good sleep are far too common.
SIBO and the Effect on Irritable Bowel Syndrome
There are no shortage of digestive complaints these days and most are commonly diagnosed as "irritable bowel syndrome" (IBS). IBS is commonly caused by stress. Here's another possible, commonly overlooked…
The Magic of Health and Sleep
How much do we actually need sleep? Unfortunately, for a good majority of us the struggle is real.