Red Light

Are you infraredi? A natural, super effective therapy.

Infraredi provides red light therapy products for a natural and super cellular therapy. Red light therapy can also improve function at a cellular level by penetrating the mitochondria, the energy power houses within the cells.

If you are looking for an amazing way to improve your body's functions in a natural way then red light therapy is for you. 

What is red light therapy?

Red light therapy provides incredible benefits for your mind and body through the use of a red light lamp or device. 

Red light therapy machines use wavelengths in both red light (660nm) and near infrared light (850nm) to stimulate the energy makers in your body, the mitochondria. These wavelengths are similar to natural sunlight without the pesky UV rays. 

The combination of the two different lights provides a diverse range of benefits, from reduced inflammation and fatigue to improved healing and radiant looking skin. 

How does it work?

Research shows that the wavelengths associated with red light work at the cellular level to stimulate vital processes within your body. 

Your body is made up of millions of cells. Although each cell has a specific function and structure, they all have mitochondria. Your mitochondria are what produce energy, which is essential to optimal cell functioning. 

Mitochondrial dysfunction occurs when your cells are not producing enough energy. Your cells can’t do much more than survive, let alone help us look and feel healthy and well.

The two different wavelengths (660nm and 850nm) emitted by the Infraredi lights stimulate your mitochondria and bring your cell energy production back to normal. All diseases are connected to mitochondrial dysfunction. Healthier mitochondria means a healthier you! 

How does 660nm red light therapy work?

660nm red light therapy is your secret weapon for:

How  does 850nm near infrared light work?

Studies prove that the 850nm of near infrared light can decrease inflammation and oxidative stress on your muscles after training. Combined with the powerful anti-inflammatory impact you can say goodbye to sore muscles and fatigue!

This amazing powerhouse wavelength also supports the production of collagen. Collagen is what gives your skin a plump, smooth and radiant look and feel. It helps to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, lines and hyperpigmentation.

The skin benefits of red light therapy.

Red light therapy boosts collagen production, reduces signs of acne scarring and stretch marks and provides overall improvements to the clarity and tone of your skin.

You will experience glowing, youthful skin thanks to the anti-aging benefits of the red light wavelengths. Other skin benefits include:

  • Reduction in healing time,

  • Increased skin moisture,

  • Reduced inflammation and irritation,

  • Increased circulation,

  • Improved toxin clearance,

  • Clearer, firmer skin.

But it is not just about how stunning it makes you look. With regular treatments of red light therapy you will also feel amazing thanks to the red light therapies ability to decrease inflammation and stress of oxidative states on your muscles and improved bone and wound healing.

If you are after natural, healthy skin therapy with many other benefits, that  you can do from the comfort of your own home than infraredi is for you. 

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